Lesson payments must be made at the beginning of each lesson, and can be by cash or bank transfer. Electronic transfers must be made on the day of your lesson
or may be liable to a late payment fee. Block bookings must be paid for in full on the first lesson of that block. Refunds will only be made in exceptional circumstances.
If you suspend taking any pre-paid tuition for a period of 8 weeks or more, any remaining tuition owed will be forfeited.
Prices may be varied at any time with reasonable notice.
Cancellation: 24 hours (1 days) notice is required to cancel any driving lesson. If less than 24 hours (1days) notice is given, half the lesson fee must be
paid. If less than 6 hours notice is given, the full lesson fee must be paid.
If you suspend taking your driving lessons, within a block of pre paid lessons, for a period of 8 weeks or more, then any remaining lessons will be
I cannot be held responsible for any mechanical or electrical failure which may cause the prevention or termination of a lesson or driving test. If the weather is
too severe to take a lesson I can re-arrange your lesson. The decision will be made considering your ability and any advice given by motoring organisations. If you decide to cancel at short notice
due to weather and the conditions are suitable to drive, the lesson will be chargeable
Lessons: Your driving lesson will be on a one to one basis. Should you like a parent or friend to accompany on your lesson, that can be arranged. You will
always receive the full lesson time you have paid for. I will be happy to start and finish your lesson from different locations, providing these are agreed at least one week in advance, and that both
are within the usual area of my work.
Penalties: Whenever you are driving in the school vehicle, you will be under close supervision. However, JKP Driving School cannot be held responsible for
any infringement of the law. Any fines that are incurred will be the responsibility of the driver.
Practical tests: I will make every effort to help you reach a good standard of driving that will enable you to pass your driving test, and you must try to
maintain regular lessons leading up to your test otherwise your test date might have to be moved back to give you more time to prepare. The only way to pass the driving test is to be properly
prepared. In the interest of road safety I reserve the right to withdraw the use of my car for tests without prior notice, should you prove to be unsafe and not up to test
Driving test booking apps ; If you book a short notice test through an app, without first confirming with your instructor, the liabilty lies with
yourself and in no way commits your instructor to attend the test. if you do not have a private vehicle to use for test then you may lose any fee paid to the relevant party.
Punctuality: I will contact you if I am going to be later than 5 minutes for your driving lesson. The time lost will be added to the end of the lesson if
possible, or added to another lesson at a later date. If you are late for your lesson, then that time will be lost.
Communications: To ensure that communication channels are in place, please ensure that I am aware of your current mobile and landline numbers.
Holidays and Availability: I will give you notice of holidays or days where I am unavailable. Please ensure that you do likewise. Please be sure to book
your first lesson after your holiday or break in tuition, to retain your place on the diary and to maintain progress.
Code of Practice: I will abide by the Voluntary Code of Practice which has been agreed between DVSA and the main bodies representing Approved Driving
Complaints by clients should be made in the first instance to JKP Driving School. Failing agreement or settlement of a dispute, reference may be made to DVSA’s
Registrar of Approved Driving Instructors who will consider the matter and advise accordingly. Should the Registrar not be able to settle the dispute he or she may set up a panel, with
representatives from the ADI industry, to consider the matter further or advise that the matter should be referred to the courts or other statutory body to be determined.
By taking driving lessons with JKP Driving; it is accepted that you have read and agree with these terms and